Investment team

Sébastien Le Roy

Computer science grad. Graduated from my MSc at HEC Paris. Worked as a freelance in consulting and M&A for a bunch of fast-growing startups and corporates.

Really discovered what entrepreneurship meant during my academic exchange in the Nordics. Back then, had the chance to work with cross-cultural teams on futuristic projects at the Stockholm KTH Institute of technology. Was impressed by the people mindset & innovation spirit in this amazing city.

Went back to school in France with a huge desire to build things… Contributed to the launch of the 1st recruitment fair on the internet in France as a side project during my studies. Acquired 25 corporate clients in a few months and attracted +20K students & graduates on our platform.

Launching such a project and turning it into a running business was a real trigger. It became clear that entrepreneurship would remain at the epicenter of my life.

Super thrilled today to have joined Serena and work with ambitious teams that use tech and data to reshape old-fashioned industries.

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Sébastien Le Roy
AI Automation DeepTech SaaS

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